Analysing Stakeholders and Power

A stakeholder analysis provides a sense of which institutions and individuals have a stake in providing CSE, as well as their interests, support or opposition, influence and importance. Finding where stakeholders stand on the issue can shield CSE initiatives from surprises and false assumptions.

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

To gather information for the stakeholder analysis, various methods can be employed, such as undertaking community mapping, surveys, and interviews with primary stakeholders and collaborating organizations such as NGOs. Organizing stakeholder workshops and informal consultations of stakeholders through household visits are other possible methods.

A stakeholder and power analysis can be broken into five activities:

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Analysing Stakeholders and Power

Source: UNICEF (2010) – Advocacy Toolkit: A Guide to Influencing Decisions That Improve Children’s Lives