HIV/AIDS: search for a response
This document reports an effort to systematically investigate the extent to which Compassion International assisted children are affected by HIV/AIDS.
This document reports an effort to systematically investigate the extent to which Compassion International assisted children are affected by HIV/AIDS.
This document examines the GIPA pilot initiatives in selected African countries, which includes the United Nations Volunteer Programmes (UNV) pilot project to support people living with HIV/AIDS.
Meeting Minutes of the 16th Asian Parliamentarians’ Meeting on Population and Development “Review of Population and Development in Asia and Parliamentarians’ Initiatives"
The briefing paper provides an analysis of the negotiations that took place at the Special Session of the United Nations Assembly to review the implementation of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
This document describes the University of Cape Town Policy on HIV infection and AIDS. It includes issues of confidentiality, employment contracts, AIDS education, staff and student interactions, benefits, leadership, and resources.
Plan decenal de educación de Colombia para el período 1996 - 2005. Situación de la educación en Colombia. Propósitos generales del Plan. Objetivos y metas: 1. Generar una movilización nacional de opinión por la educación. 2.
Objetivos principales de esta investigación han sido: descubrir y establecer parámetros sobre la gestión del riesgo de contagio de VIH-SIDA en estudiantes de la Universidad Católica del Norte, descubrir antecedentes que permitieran conocer la percepción del riesgo de contagio del VIH-SIDA ysistem
This article examines briefly possible elements for a course of action on the issue of managing the impact of HIV/AIDS on Education.
This report provides the statistics and effects of HIV/AIDS on education in Eastern and Southern Africa. It provides various management policies and strategies for mitigation of this impact on education.
Vingt ans à peine se sont écoulés depuis l'apparition du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH). Pendant ces 20 années, le VIH/sida s'est propagé à une vitesse effrayante.