Outils et guides

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2016

Предотвращение насилия в образовательных организациях: Информационно-методическое пособие для руководителей и педагогических работнико

The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary and secondary general education and vocational education schools. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2017

Предотвращение насилия в образовательных организациях: Информационно-методическое пособие для руководителей и педагогических работнико

The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary and secondary general education and vocational education schools. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools.