Matériel d'apprentissage et d'enseignement

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2010

Brochure "Vivre avec"

La brochure « VIVRE AVEC » a été réalisée par la Plate-Forme Prévention Sida et ses partenaires à l'attention des adolescents.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2018

Working for Zero Hunger

Did you know that there are 815 million people in the world that go to bed hungry, while 1.9 billion people are overweight? The world has set a challenge to achieve Zero Hunger and better nutrition by 2030. But governments can’t do it alone - everyone has a role to play.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2017

Turning inside out

UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-S

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2017

Teacher’s guide for sexual and reproductive health life skills for adolescents

UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-S

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2011

Ministry of Education Health and Family Life Education

Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) encapsulates the required body of knowledge in a comprehensive life-skill educational programme that can be integrated across the curriculum.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2017

Friendship: Drama Script

UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-S

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2016

Check It, Beat It : Chunguza, Pambana

The ‘Check It, Beat It’ Booklet aims to ensure that young people have the right information about practices that can harm them. It is a straightforward booklet with direct language (rather than using euphemisms) to ensure the messages get through.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2017

Aunt Martha

This is is a story for pupils/students at what we call ‘level 2’ (ages 13-14). It deals with the issues of negative traditional practices (female genital mutilation) on girls and the resulting medical problems, and with early marriage and early pregnancy and making the right choices.