Afrique du Sud

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2014

Management of physical violence at school

Violence affect learning environments negatively, creating an atmosphere of fear and aggression. These are certainly not conditions under which learners should be subjected to as part of their learning experiences.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2016

The National School Safety Framework

The National School Safety Framework (NSSF) was developed in order to provide an all-inclusive strategy to guide the national department as well as the provincial education departments in a coordinated effort to address the violence occurring within schools.

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2020

The impact of rites of passage and cultural practices on adolescents' and young people's sexual and reproductive health in East and Southern Africa: a review of the literature

UNFPA-ESARO contracted with an independent consultant to review the existing literature relating to adolescent rites of passage and initiation ceremonies in four countries in Southern Africa (Malawi, Eswatini, South Africa and Zambia), to assess the impacts of these rites on young people in those