This SADC SRHR scorecard is a high-level strategic tool to track progress at a political level across the SADC region in the implementation of the Strategy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in the SADC Region 2019– 2030, the Maputo Plan of Action (2016–2030), the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the High Level Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS (2016) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It uses as its basis the goals and targets of the SDGs, that are aspirational, with the aim of inspiring Member States to make as significant progress as possible in achieving the targets. The scorecard intends to facilitate comparative inquiry, inspire the emergence and sharing of good practices and ensure better SRH outcomes for individuals, families, communities, countries and the SADC region. All data contained in the scorecard was provided by Member States who participated in the SADC SRHR Managers and M&E Focal Persons Meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 2–4 October 2019.
23 p.
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SADC SRHR Stratégie pour les droits et la santé sexuelle et reproductive: SADC SRHR Réunion des responsables et des personnes focales M&E, Johannesburg, 2-4 Octobre 2019
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