The 2008 national Survey of Demography and Reproductive and Sexual Health, ENDSSR-2008, was conducted by the Paraguayan Center of Population Studies (CEPEP), with the cooperation of the United States Agency of International Development (USAID), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and with the technical assistance of the Division of Reproductive Health of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia USA. It is the sixth of a series of surveys on this topic carried out at the national level by CEPEP, with the objective of maintaining periodic evaluation of maternal and child health topics and updating principal programmatic indicators. Topics are: household, fertility, family planning, non-users and need for services, adolescents and young adults' sexual relations, maternal health, infant and child health, gender relations and verbal, physical and sexual violence.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación