This document is in three parts. It first discusses the 4 prongs for the elimination of HIV infection among children; in other words, the 4 prongs of PMTCT. The 4 prongs are: (1) preventing unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV, (2) preventing new HIV infections, (3) safer infant feedings, and (4) treatment. This document focuses primarily on the first 2 prongs and how PMTCT is critical because the impact of keeping children alive will be lost if their mothers are not also kept alive. The second part of the document is a case study of promising practices of the first 2 prongs in Swaziland. With Swaziland having the highest estimated number of pregnant women living with HIV in the world the government has made PMTCT its top priority. The document discusses 4 groups that are involved with making PMTCT a priority: the Family Life Association of Swaziland, Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation-Swaziland, King Sobhuza II Clinic, and the Tikhuba Clinic. Examples of promising practices that are discussed in the article are: peer-education programs, encouraging male partner involvement, negotiating condom use, community-based preventive health education activities, and the providing of non-judgmental rights-based education. The final part of the document is a checklist for services that support prongs 1 and 2 of comprehensive PMTCT.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación