The National Sex Education Standards aim to: Outline, based on research and extensive professional expertise, the minimum, essential, core content and skills for sex education K–12 given student needs; Provide guidance for schools when designing and delivering sex education K–12 that is planned, sequential, and part of a comprehensive school health education approach; Provide a clear rationale for teaching sex education content and skills at different grade levels that is evidence-informed, age-appropriate, and theory-driven; Support schools in improving academic performance by addressing a content area that is both highly relevant to students and directly related to academic success and high school graduation rates; Present sexual development as a normal, natural, healthy part of human development that every school district should address; Offer clear, concise recommendations for school personnel on what is age-appropriate to teach students at different grade levels; Translate an emerging body of research related to school-based sex education so that it can be put into practice in the classroom; Address the ever-evolving learning needs of students, including as it related to emerging topics of sex and sexuality; Ground the educational experience in social justice and equity, honoring the diversity of students (racial, ethnic, gender, orientation, ability, socio-economic, as well as academic) and promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of diversity and inclusion.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación