Malawi has had a rising population of orphans and vulnerable children who are reported to lack care, food, educational opportunities and adult role models. Some of the coping strategies used by these children, such as early school dropout and child labour, combined with poor adult support, make them susceptible to risk of early onset of sex and to sexual and reproductive health problems, including HIV infection. This report presents the experiences and learning from participatory action research implemented by Country Minders for Peoples Development (CMPD), (a Malawi non government organization) on the co-ordination of support from service providers and community organisations for protection of sexual and reproductive health of orphans and vulnerable children in Monkey Bay, Malawi. The work was implemented within a Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET) programme that aimed to explore, through participatory reflection and action (PRA) methods, dimensions of (and impediments to delivery of) Primary Health Care responses to HIV and AIDS.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación