Protecting the next generation in Uganda. New evidence on adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs

Case Studies & Research
New York
Guttmacher Institute
52 p.

This report discusses in detail the sexual and reproductive lives of Uganda's youth, focusing on 15-19-year-olds. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the patterns of sexual behavior among adolescents. Chapter 3 explores adolescents' contraceptive use for protection from unwanted pregnancy and STIs, including HIV. Adolescents' knowledge of sexual and reproductive health - including reproduction, contraception and STIs, particularly HIV/AIDS - is examined in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 explores the variety of sources from which adolescents obtain sexual and reproductive health services, and describes the context of adolescents' lives that influences their sexual and reproductive health risk, their need for information and services, and their chances of obtaining those services. Finally, Chapter 6 suggests ways in which the deepened knowledge of young people's lives provided in this report can be used to shape policies and programs that will reduce their risk of HIV infection and unintended pregnancy.

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