School meals: a toolkit for parliamentarians

Toolkits & Guides
International Parliamentary Network for Education
68 p. + 16 p.
Title other languages
Alimentation scolaire: une boîte à outils pour les parlementaires
Alimentación escolar: guía práctica para parlamentarios
Alimentação escolar: recursos para parlamentares

This toolkit has three parts. Part one provides a brief introduction to school meal programmes including how meals are provided and funded and the difference between universal and targeted eligibility for free or subsidised school meals. Part two sets out the overwhelming evidence that well-designed and effectively delivered school meals programmes offer exceptionally high returns on investment along with the potential for large-scale benefits across a range of priority policy areas, including; Human Capital, Education, Healthy growth and development, Social protection, Agriculture, Climate and the environment, Supporting education during crises and conflict and Gender equality. Part three of the toolkit explores how members of parliament can exercise their core responsibilities to represent their constituents, advocate, legislate, budget and provide oversight of government action on school meals. This part is divided into two sections; The first sets out how parliamentarians can expand and improve school meals programmes in their own country or region. The second section has suggestions for how members of parliament in donor countries can increase humanitarian and development funding and support for school meals.

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