The aim of the Life Skills Programme discussed in this book is to empower the youth with skills to help them make informed decisions regarding sexuality as a first and critical step to curbing HIV/STD infection. Although the emphasis of the programme is to reduce the rate of HIV infection among teenagers, HIV prevention should not be in isolation. The life skills programme takes a holistic approach which focuses on developing decision-making skills and increasing confidence among teenagers to enable them behave in a mature and responsible manner. The goal is to train master trainers, who will then train teachers as well as health care and community workers in their districts. It presents a prevention model for teaching life skills. The training aims to achieve a paradigm shift and to develop a non-judgemental approach to the training of life skills, using a participatory and experiential learning methodology. The training programme is designed around two phases, each lasting a week, with an approximately six-week interval between the two phases. Phase one (five days) focuses on developing knowledge as well as helping participants achieve a level of comfort in dealing with topics involving sexuality and reproductive health. Phase two (five days) focuses on facilitation techniques and the use of experiential training methods.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación