Webinar | 12 sep 2017
Webinar: The School Health Integrated Programme Initiative

Programme Initiative

The School Health Integrated Programming Initiative

The School Heath Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative is a global programme that supports governments to mainstream school health and nutrition (SHN) interventions into national education sector plans. The initiative is focused on two cornerstones of SHN: deworming and vision screening. These two simple interventions can be used as a platform for other interventions. As part of the programme the SHIP initiative worked with governments in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Senegal, to distribute treatments for intestinal worms and screen the eyes of 40,000 school children, giving glasses to those who need them.

The initiative is collaboration between the World Bank, Imperial College London's Partnership for Child Development (PCD) and Sightsavers with funding from the Global Partnership for Education.

Date: 19 September 2017 - 09.00 EDT/ 14.00 BST/ 16.00 EAT/ 21:00 SGT

Speaker: Dr Laura Appleby, Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College London,

The FRESH School Health and Nutrition webinar series provides monthly presentations by leading policy makers, researchers and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low and middle income countries across the globe.