Politiques et stratégies

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies |

SADTU HIV and AIDS Policy. Final draft

SADTU acknowledges the seriousness of HIV and AIDS pandemic. The pandemic impact negatively on the socio-economic aspect of the country. SADTU also acknowledges the ignorance, prejudice, stigmatization and the ignorance that goes with the virus.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2006

Marco de la IPPF para la Educación Integral en Sexualidad

El presente documento se ha desarrollado para apoyar el objetivo de la International Planned Parenthood Federation, de aumentar el acceso a una educación integral en sexualidad, orientada a la juventud y sensible al tema de género, y para aprovechar las recomendaciones de una extensa consulta int

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2007

Workplace HIV and AIDS Policy for the Education Sector

Namibia has a high HIV prevalence rate and as a result, the Education Sector is experiencing an increase in employee absenteeism; high attrition rate as well as low levels of productivity. The Education Sector is the nation's largest single employer engaging approximately 38 000 employees.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2007

HIV/AIDS Policy of the Public Service of Belize

In line with the mandate of the Office of Governance, this policy has been formulated to integrate the issue of HIV/AIDS into the mainstream human capital management policies of the Belize Public Service.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2005

Plan Nacional de Educación 2021: Programa Poder

PODER es un programa educativo extracurricular del Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador que está dirigido a jóvenes de entre 13 y 21 años que se encuentran en los niveles de tercer ciclo y bachillerato.