Éducation pour la prévention du sida

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2005

Life skills-based education for HIV prevention: a critical analysis

This paper was developed for the working group on education and HIV/AIDS, and summarises issues raised at a meeting in London on 17 May, 2004.Over the last decade, there has been increased support for the teaching of life skills to young people, partly due to the perceived limitations of informat

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2004

Le VIH/SIDA dans le secteur de l'éducation au Mali

L'approche sectorielle de l'épidémie du VIH /SIDA a amené les acteurs du système éducatif dans différents pays à aborder la question de son incidence sur l'école. L'UNESCO dans le cadre de son programme régional en Afrique a développé de nombreuses interventions.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2001

The impact of HIV/AIDS on education in Botswana

Since independence, Botswana has made great strides in economic and human development. In education, almost 100% of children now enrol in primary school, over 90% start secondary school and girls have enrollment rates similar to those of boys.

Programme Reports & Evaluations
Programme Reports & Evaluations | 2001

HIV/AIDS and students at RAU

This report is drawn from findings of a study on the association between awareness of HIV/AIDS and behaviour of RAU students in a social/cultural context. Students' knowledge, awareness and perceptions were determined, and their behaviour was linked to their HIV status.