Amériques et Caraïbes

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2011

Educación de la sexualidad y prevención de las ITS y el VIH/SIDA desde los enfoques de género, de derechos y sociocultural: Orientaciones metodológicas educación preescolar, primaria y especial

Este material didáctico es un marco teórico de referencia que, en su articulación con las orientaciones metodológicas aportadas, constituyen un punto de partida que resulta indispensable para la adecuada preparación del personal pedagógico, con vistas a cumplir efectiva y científicamente la funci

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2012

Marrying Too Young: End Child Marriage

This report is a call to decision makers, parents, communities and to the world to end child marriage. It documents the current scope, prevalence and inequities associated with child marriage.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2011

Programs to address child marriage: Framing the problem

Child marriage violates girls’ human rights and adversely affects their health and well-being. While age at marriage is increasing in most regions of the developing world, early marriage persists for large populations.