
Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2007

Workplace HIV and AIDS Policy for the Education Sector

Namibia has a high HIV prevalence rate and as a result, the Education Sector is experiencing an increase in employee absenteeism; high attrition rate as well as low levels of productivity. The Education Sector is the nation's largest single employer engaging approximately 38 000 employees.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2006

HIV/SIDA Cuidados básicos

Esta revista, elaborada pela N'Weti, é parte de um projecto regional de comunicação para a saúde que inclui alguns países do sul da Africa como o Botswana, o Lesotho e o Moçambique.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2006

HIV/SIDA Saiba mais... viva mais

Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada as crianças e aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com o HIV/SIDA.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2001

A Handbook For AIDS Awareness Activities For Clubs

This manual was designed to support the GRN-UNICEF Youth Health and Development Programme with the aim of sustaining My Future is My Choice graduates and other young people's peer education activities.