Assessment strategies for skills-based health education with a focus on HIV prevention and related issues

Toolkits & Guides
New York
111p., illus., tabs.

This publication aims to show how a range of strategies and tools can be used to assess the impact of learning activities in skills-based health education (with a focus on HIV prevention and related issues). It presents assessment tools that can be used to measure whether or not selected knowledge, attitude and skill objectives for HIV/AIDS prevention are being met in the short term by classroom activities. It also includes strategies for assessing the kinds of behavioural outcomes that may result from changes in the afore-mentioned areas. After a very comprehensive introduction on assessment issues (what to assess and how, who should assess and why, different types of assessment tools), the four sections present each of the different objectives to be assessed (knowledge, attitude, skills and behaviour), with the tools that are most appropriate to their assessment. Audience age (pre-adolescents and adolescents) is taken into account; sample activities and student materials are provided.

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