
CSE Toolkit

Comprehensive Sexuality Education Implementation Toolkit

This toolkit intended to help design a new programme or review an existing programme on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). It brings together and distils evidence on effective CSE programmes, and points to relevant resources to refer to for different stages of CSE programme design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. This toolkit is for national programme officers at UNESCO field offices who are tasked with providing technical support for CSE programmes to ministries of education. It is also for staff of civil society organizations, local area governments, or school authorities that want to design or review CSE programmes.

Positive Learning Toolkit

Positive Learning Toolkit

How the education sector can meet the needs of learners living with HIV

Positive Learning is about meeting the needs of adolescents and young people living with HIV, in both the formal and informal education sectors.  It aims to: address the daily realities of adolescents and young people living with HIV as they navigate issues such as sexuality, relationships, gender identity and expression, treatment access and adherence, and support national education sectors to fulfil the needs and rights of all learners living with and affected by HIV and, by doing so, improves their educational experiences and outcomes. Positive learning is a partnership between UNESCO, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV ( Y+ Global ).