Revisões da literatura

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2012

Gender based violence in South African schools

This paper looks at issues of gender-based violence in the education sector in South Africa through a review of literature and statistics of recent research by international organizations.

Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2010

Effective responses for gender based violence: gender based violence in schools

This Learning Brief is based on experience which emerged at a Gender Based Violence Learning Day: Effective Responses to GBV organised by the Irish Joint Consortium on Gender Based Violence, June 2009, and in particular on inputs provided by Mairead Dunne, Centre for International Education, Univ

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2014

Violence against women and girls: education sector brief

Experiencing violence in schools can negatively impact girls' enrollment as well as the quality of the education they receive. Evidence suggests that sexual harassment is widespread in educational settings in many parts of the world.

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2014

Preventing sexual violence and HIV in children

BACKGROUND: Evidence linking violence against women and HIV has grown, including on the cycle of violence and the links between violence against children and women.