This report synthesises findings from the World Food Programme (WFP) Evaluation Series on School Feeding in Emergencies (SFE) in four countries: Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, focus on North Kivu region), Lebanon, Niger (focus on Diffa region) and Syria. It covers SF-E activities implemented from 2015 through 2019. The evaluation series has been commissioned by the WFP School-based Programmes Unit in Rome and has been made possible by a multi-year Canadian contribution to WFP. The same contribution had financed the SF-E activities in the four countries starting in 2017 and was the reason for the including these particular four countries in the evaluation. The findings are meant to strengthen the global evidence base on SF-E and support WFP in complementing its School Feeding Strategy with specific guidance on school feeding in crisis and humanitarian settings. The synthesis is based on the four country reports of the evaluation series, a review of literature on SF-E, an online survey among WFP Country Offices and Regional Bureaus, and key informant interviews with WFP partner agencies.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação