The policy’s goal is to promote the holistic development of children, local farmers, producers, and the community by ensuring that school feeding is recognized and treated as a sustainable, multisectoral investment program that receives support from various actors, including the Government at central and decentralized levels, communities, the private sector, civil society, the diaspora, and external donors. The long-term objective of this policy is to ensure that school feeding contributes to the vision, mission, and goals of the Government of Sierra as articulated in the Mid-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) and the Education Sector Plan (ESP). Procuring and providing locally produced and processed nutritious and healthy school meals to pupils, contributes to education attainment and improvement of children's nutritional status. Achieving this objective will take several generations of basic education with reliable school feeding, good quality schooling, and strong educational outcomes.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação