This guide was developed as a result of research carried out during the lifetime of a European project funded by the European Commission, DG Justice. The 18-month project aimed to increase the confidence of EU member states to develop strategies to combat homophobia within education settings. The project was undertaken by LGBT Youth Scotland, who has experience of working in education, in partnership with Legebitra, an LGBT organisation in Slovenia. The project had four main components: Research - a literature review of current material as well as new research with LGBT NGOs and member states' education departments/ministries; Education pilot in Slovenia - using strategies developed in Scotland, Legebitra piloted work in Slovenia, with the main objective of engaging the education ministry; Resource development - the research findings were used to develop this guide, which is designed to inform the strategies of both NGOs and governments; Youth involvement - utilising the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as a framework, a group of young people explored their rights within education and their experiences in schools.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación