This is a report of a Sub-regional Workshop on Comprehensive School Health and Nutrition, held in Chiangmai, Thailand, 21-25 October 2002, hosted by the Thai National Commission for UNESCO. Among others, some of the objectives of the workshop were to: 1) raise awareness of participants on the important links between health, nutrition and education and the value of implementing comprehensive school health programmes as a strategy for achieving the goal of education for all (EFA). 2) To discuss how heath issues (e.g. school nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention, safe water, etc.) can be used as entry points for the development of a comprehensive school health programme. 3) To promote information exchange and networking between countries in the area of effective school health. This report will be useful to anyone looking to have a broader picture of incentives towards better education of children in Cambodia. A CD-Rom is included with this document

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación