Sexual health education should address age-appropriate physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of human sexuality as part of planned and sequential health education. The specific content to be addressed in health education, including sexual health education, is organized through a health education curriculum and often summarized in a curriculum framework. The first step in determining the health content and skills that should be taught at each grade level is a scope and sequence. A scope and sequence is an essential element of a curriculum framework and is intended to serve as a guide for curriculum directors, administrators, teachers, parents, and school board members. A health education scope and sequence outlines the breadth and arrangement of key health topics and concepts across grade levels (scope), and the logical progression of essential health knowledge, skills, and behaviors to be addressed at each grade level (sequence) from pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade. A sexual health education scope and sequence should identify what the student should know or do and when it should be taught for each grade or grade group to lower their risk of HIV, STD, and unplanned teen pregnancy. The scope and sequence should be aligned with the national, state, or local health education standards, benchmarks, and performance indicators.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación