From 1999 to 2006, Kenya Girl Guides Association received support from Family Health International (FHI) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to integrate HIV and AIDS prevention into more than 700 Guide Units in three regions: Coast, Rift Valley, and Western. From 2006 to 2009, KGGA will improve the Guide programme in the existing 366 schools and expand to more than 900 new schools (mostly at the primary level) in Coast and Rift Valley provinces, with support from FHI through the AIDS, Population, and Health Integrated Assistance (APHIA II) Program. This USAID bilateral programme provides an opportunity to integrate life skills and peer education into new Guide Units, with a greater focus on the overall health and well-being of Guides through the use of health services, communication with parents and guardians, and pregnancy prevention efforts. One behavioural goal of APHIA II is to delay sexual debut among in-school youth. In order to this, KGGA will integrate three complementary components into its Guide activities. 1. Life Skills - utilize this curriculum (24 hours of life skills) with approximately 50 girls per school. 2. Peer Education - pass lessons learned from Guides to schoolmates in classes 4 through 7. 3. Outreach - work with both schools and adults in the community, especially parents and guardians, to ensure supportive environment for healthy behaviours and protective decisions by students.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación