This guidance provides quick and ready access to information that will help further education settings establish on-site sexual health services designed to give young people the advice and support they need to achieve healthy lifestyles and avoid health outcomes that impact negatively on their learning. It builds on recent health and education reforms which require local agencies to plan and act together to support the health and well-being of young people. It: 1. briefly looks at the sexual health issues young people have to deal with today and the impact this can have on their learning; 2. explains why it is important for young people that sexual health is addressed in further education settings; 3. outlines the benefits for further education providers, PCTs and local agencies of working in partnership to provide on-site services; 4. provides practical advice about how to set up a sexual health service in a further education setting and summarises good practice in this area; 5. provides responses to frequently asked questions.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación