In 2019, WFP partnered with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and UNICEF to revise the National Health Policy (2020-30) and develop the National Nutrition Strategy and Action Plan (2020-25). WFP also supported the Ministry of Education (MoE) to develop the National School Feeding and Nutrition Strategy 2019-2030 (draft) in 2018. These policies aim to strengthen national goals and multi-sectoral collaboration required for effective national health and nutrition programmes and services. By transforming the National School Feeding and Nutrition Programme (NSFNP), WFP is assisting MoE to improve the nutritional and health status of school children. Nutritious school meals provide an excellent opportunity to ensure children receive diverse, nutritionally balanced, and safe meals. This encourages parents to keep their children in school, develop physical and cognitive abilities, and build healthy eating habits that can continue into adulthood. With WFP support to purchase locally available, nutritious food from local smallholder farmers, the school meals programme also maximizes benefits for smallholder farmers and communities. WFP is also working with its government partners to analyze and optimize the supply chain costs for the NSFNP.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación