Children who have grown up with HIV are becoming adults. Some young people are also becoming infected with HIV. This means that services that work with both children and adults with HIV need to be able to support teenagers and young adults. This report explores what it is like to grow up with HIV, and how different services can best meet the needs of young people. This report is for you: to help you understand what we call ‘transition’; to show you what some young people with HIV said about getting older and becoming more independent; to show you what some professionals and parents and carers have said about supporting young people with HIV. This report is based on a longer report, Just Normal Young People: Supporting young people living with HIV in their transition to adulthood. That report was written for anybody who works with young people who are HIV-positive, or makes decisions about the services young people with HIV use. To produce this report, we spoke to: 45 young people with HIV aged 13–28, who lived across England and even other parts of the UK; 123 professionals; 4 parents and carers of young people with HIV.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación