This situation analysis was undertaken as a tripartite activity of UNESCO, the World Bank, and the Partnership for Child Development for the Guyana Ministry of Education. The situation analysis sought to enable the development of a comprehensive school health, nutrition, and HIV (SHN & HIV) education sector response for incorporation within the forthcoming Guyana Education Sector Strategic Plan, 2008-12. The key findings of the situation analysis include: At present, responsibility for coordination within the education sector of SHN & HIV activities in Guyana is dispersed. Lack of coordination is resulting in gaps in provision, duplication, and the waste of resources; A mathematical model, Ed-SIDA, used to estimate the future impact of HIV & AIDS on the education sector found that in coming years the prevalence of HIV among teachers is likely to increase from 1.5 percent to 2 percent; With respect to other health and nutrition conditions affecting school-age children in Guyana, data suggest that poor nutrition is most common among Amerindians.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación