This is an innovative, computer-based, online curriculum on sexual and reproductive health and rights for secondary schools in Indonesia, Kenya, Thailand and Uganda. It combines information technology (IT) skills-building and creative expression with sexual health and rights (SRH) education, using experiential learning as the didactic method and following the principles of three combined approaches: adolescents' development, behaviour change and the human rights-based approach. This combination empowers young people not only to obtain required knowledge, but also to develop appropriate attitudes and learn healthy and responsible behaviour and life skills (communication skills, learning how to refuse and negotiate, using health services, purchasing and using condoms and contraceptives). In addition, young people learn creative and IT skills as a preparation for modern job opportunities. The curriculum is designed for in- and out-of-school young people between the ages of 12 and 19 and their intermediaries , teachers and youth workers. It can be used in secondary schools as well as in telemeters, libraries and other student-facilitator out-of-school situations. No previous computer experience is necessary, but young people following the programme have to be able to read and write, and need to have followed some formal education. By combining text, audio and visual effects, the curriculum aims to help young people to shape knowledge, attitudes and skills effectively in a process of social learning by modelling. The curriculum is divided into 14 lessons: the world starts with me; emotional ups and downs; is your body changing too?; friends and relationships; boys and girls, men and women; fight for your rights!; sexuality and love; pregnancy: four girls and four boys!; protect yourself: STIs and HIV and AIDS; HIV and AIDS: U have a role 2 play 2; love shouldn't hurt; your future, dreams and plans; my top tips peer book; exhibition. Each lesson contains a student and teacher version of learning objectives, assignments, warm-ups, presentations, games, tools, guidelines and stories.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación