Herramientas y guías

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2014

Compendium of gender equality and HIV indicators

The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective in order to: strengthen national and subnational stakeholders’ understanding of thei

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2009

Pendidikan pencegahan HIV: kit informasi guru

Kit Informasi Guru ini berisi kumpulan lembar fakta yang meliputi sekelompok masalah yang penting dipahami oleh guru tatkala mereka mendidik murid mereka baik di tingkat pendidikan dasar maupun pendidikan menengah.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2013

Addressing sexual health in schools: policy considerations

Addressing Sexual Health in Schools: Policy Considerations brings together years of policy, research and advocacy efforts illuminating the need for young people to have access to the sexual health education and services they need to ensure their overall health and well-being.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2013

Producing your school’s sex and relationships education policy

The aim of this guidance document is to help schools to produce their sex and relationships education (SRE) policy. It provides a list of questions and considerations to structure a policy document, and it suggests some possibile openings.