Report card. HIV prevention for girls and young women: Cambodia
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Cambodia.
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Cambodia.
Connections is an adolescent and parent programme that helps girls and their mothers to become more confident and comfortable to talk about gender, relationships and sex.
Linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV recognizes the vital role that sexuality plays in people's lives, and the importance of empowering people to make informed choices about their lives, love and intimacy.
This document is an outcome of a process to establish a regional framework defining the key elements of a comprehensive response to HIV among MSM and transgender persons (TGs) in the Asia Pacific Region.
Cambodia's Most at Risk Young People Survey (MARYPS) 2010 is a follow up survey of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 2004.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) developed the national strategy for reproductive and sexual health in Cambodia (2006-2010) to ensure an effective and coordinated response to reproductive health needs in the country.
This study does not address the level of implementation of HIV/AIDS education, but the framework and conditions set in policies and curricula for curriculum implementation.
The current paper was commissioned by UNICEF and its partners (UNFPA, UNESCO, UNAIDS) to provide advice to the AIDS Commission in Asia on policy options on how to respond to HIV/AIDS among young people, in response to a 'Policy Options Workshop' which was held in Bangkok on 4-6 January
There is growing evidence from different countries that gender based violence can increase the risk of HIV/AIDS as well as be an outcome of HIV/AIDS.
This National Plan of Action has been developed with broad input from government, civil society, including NGOs and children, and international development partners.