Connections is an adolescent and parent programme that helps girls and their mothers to become more confident and comfortable to talk about gender, relationships and sex. The programme provides information and life-skills around issues including puberty, growing up, relationships, dating, sexuality, pregnancy prevention, gender rights, alcohol use and parent-to-adolescent communications. The programme covers both the biological aspects of sex, and broader relational aspects such as peer and romantic relationships, love, reproduction, gender rights, HIV, risk-taking and peer influence. The programme is conducted in a highly participatory format in order to enhance skills, explore social and cultural challenges and build social support between the participants. Following promising evaluation results from the Vietnam pilot study, the regional UNICEF and UNFPA offices invested in a refinement of materials and the expansion of the programme into several countries. In September 2010, the Laos Women's Union hosted a meeting in Vientiane to introduce the curriculum to Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Nepal. Following a positive response to the programme from these additional five countries, UNICEF, UNFPA and new partner UNESCO agreed to support a training of trainer (ToT) workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia in March 2011. A regional ToT workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Cambodia. This document reports on the content and evaluation of the training of trainer workshop.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación