This checklist is a summary of the Evidence- and Rights- Based Planning and Support Tool for SRHR/ HIV Prevention Interventions for Young People (E-PAT) developed by WPF and Stop AIDS Now. The structure of the E-PAT is based on the Intervention mapping model, a framework that assists organizations in planning evidence-based programmes. The checklist is a supplement to other tools that are used by donor organizations to assess project proposals. Its main aim is to provoke thinking about why particular decisions are taken in programme planning and its contents and to provide key criteria related to effectiveness of SRHR programmes. These decisions should be rather be based on the needs of young people and on what works, than on own assumptions. The users of the checklist are programme officers of donor organizations, who collaborate with partner organizations in developing countries that implement SRHR education for young people. Programme officers can use the tool to assess project proposals and for discussions with their partners organizations. The checklist contains 12 characteristics to assess the quality of the planning process, and the content of SRHR programmes for young people, with questions such as are young people involved in the planning of the intervention? do facilitators create a safe setting for young people to participate?; does the intervention include interactive skills training?

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation