This report is the outcome of The Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Evaluation Expert Meeting that brought together partners, practitioners, researchers and advocates from around the world to discuss the state of the art of monitoring and evaluation for CSE programmes. Held in October 2014 at UNFPA’s headquarters in New York, the meeting aimed to build consensus on a framework for evaluation that identifies the indicators and variables of an “empowerment” approach to CSE, considering the overarching questions: In the context of programme evaluation, both in and out of school, how do evaluation designs address the concepts of gender and human rights? How are concepts such as “empowerment” and “rights” operationalized and measured in research and evaluation efforts? In the presentation summaries, the meeting report offers examples of prominent approaches to the evaluation of CSE programmes at various stages of design and implementation. Throughout the meeting, CSE evaluation design, methodologies and indicators to measure programme effectiveness in developing gender-equitable relationships, promoting and protecting human rights, and generating values of tolerance, non-discrimination and civic engagement were the overarching focus of knowledge-sharing and discussion.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation