The report is a result of an evaluation study of "The Networking for Policy Change: an Advocacy Training Manual" published by the POLICY Project in October 1999 which was widely used by POLICY staff, trainers, and partners in more than 25 countries, as well as by donors, cooperating agencies (CAs), and development projects throughout the world. The study evaluated the manual's use, the usefulness and relevance of training conducted with the manual, and the qualitative and quantitative impacts attributed, in part, to putting the acquired advocacy skills into practice. The main data for the evaluation were responses to questionnaires and interviews with POLICY regional and country managers/resident advisors, trainers, and workshop participants (mostly from local NGOs) from 14 countries while the supplementary sources came from focus group discussions (FGDs) with POLICY staff, project records, country documents, and advocacy training materials developed by outside organizations.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation