This guidance is structured into five sections. Section 1: A global opportunity This section explains the global interest in supporting MHH through development and humanitarian programming under the SDGs. Section 2: Programme design This section articulates the principles underpinning UNICEF’s MHH programmes and explains the process to support government leadership, carry out a situation analysis, develop a theory of change, build an evidence base, estimate programme costs, and assemble a team. Section 3: Core package of interventions This section provides and describes a framework of essential MHH interventions that are inclusive of all menstruators and which reach the most underserved, with a focus on working through and strengthening national systems. Section 4: MHH for girls and women in vulnerable situations This section is not exhaustive but provides an overview of strategies to reach three specific populations: girls and women with disabilities, girls and women in humanitarian action, and transgender or non-binary menstruators. Section 5: Learning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation This section provides an overview of the global monitoring and evaluation frameworks for MHH.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation