"Health and Family Life Education, Activity Guide, Grade Two" is a document edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in 2004. It is made to assist teachers as they start the process of delivering life skills based education. The questions which accompany each scenario are intended to offer guidance in developing the skill. The guide tackles 15 life skills topics : (1) Use and Abuse of Language; (2) Self-Esteem; (3) Environment Health; (4) Right to a Name; (5) Stages of Growth; (6) Punishment and Discipline; (7) My Family; (8) Our Bodies/Ourselves; (9) Respecting Cultural and Religious Values; (10) Gender Relationships and Understanding each other; (11) Conflict Resolution/Problem Solving; (12) Relationships at Home; (13) Appropriate Eating Habits; (14) Making Rules; and (15) Sexual Abuse.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation