This report makes use of available evidence to describe what is currently known about global patterns of violence against children, using data compiled from a selection of sources. The analyses focus primarily on forms of interpersonal violence, defined as violent acts inflicted on children by another individual or a small group. The types of
interpersonal violence covered include those mainly committed by caregivers and other family member authority figures, peers and strangers, both within and outside the home. he presentation of the data has been organized into two main sections. The first section covers three main types of violence experienced by children and committed by anyone in all possible settings: physical acts of violence (both fatal and non-fatal), emotional violence and sexual violence. The second half of the report explores in more detail specific manifestations of these forms of violence: violent discipline in the home, peer violence (including involvement in physical fights and bullying) and intimate partner violence among adolescents. The report also explores attitudes towards some forms of violence to provide insights into deeply rooted cultural beliefs that may help to explain their persistence.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation