This report presents a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland for the period 2008-2012. Chapter 1 of this report explores the international context of HIV and AIDS prevention, outlining key international Declarations of Commitment and policy developments. A number of national strategy documents from a selection of high-income countries are reviewed in relation to the core principles and key actions guiding their national-level responses to HIV and AIDS prevention. Chapter 2 considers the current situation in Ireland, starting with an overview of the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in the country. A summary of findings is then presented on the progress achieved on the 19 recommendations made to the Education and Prevention Sub-Committee after the National AIDS Strategy Committee's report of 2000. The findings of key studies are examined in order to illustrate the situation in Ireland regarding sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, and sex education. Finally, the current structures in operation to support the implementation of this HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention Plan are examined. Chapter 3 sets out the way forward for HIV and AIDS education and prevention in Ireland, with key priorities discussed and a detailed Action Plan given for implementation in 6 key areas over a 4-year timeframe (2008-2012). In an effort to inform the practice of those involved in the planning and delivery of HIV and AIDS education and prevention programmes and initiatives, Appendix 1 focuses on a review of evidence-based international best practice in relation to HIV and AIDS prevention and education, including a range of effective intervention approaches that address the needs of particular population groups. Appendix 2 provides an overview of issues emerging from the National Consultation Day held with the main stakeholders (Dublin, November 2006) and highlights key issues for the future in the fight against HIV/AIDS. An extensive Bibliography of national and international literature is included in the report.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation