The purpose of this document is to give guidelines on the steps and rational behind the need to have curriculum integration and capacity building in tertiary institutions. Each university/institution may develop its own goal but the underlying principle is the development of HIV/AIDS courses and provision of HIV training to staff/students. The overall goal of this project is to train personnel in HIV/AIDS with a view of making them HIV competent to train others in the areas of care and support, prevention of HIV infection, coping mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation, and in management and administrative skills of implementing HIV/AIDS programmes in the workplace, among other things. Specific goals are: - Train personnel on the causes, modes of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS; - Provide with information on the effects and impact of HIV/AIDS on the individual, family and society; - Impart knowledge and life skills on the control and management strategies in HIV/AIDS; - Produce core personnel who will train others to teach the official HIV/AIDS curriculum produced by the Kenya Institute of Education; - Train trainers of trainers on counselling, the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS; - Mainstream HIV/AIDS into existing curriculum.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation