HIV/AIDS impacts civil servants and teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa. No comprehensive strategy has been implemented to mitigate the ill-effects of the pandemic on the civil service and teaching workforce. As a result, the whole region faces severe development challenges; HIV/AIDS impacts can effectively retrogress any and all development gains made in the past decades here. We outline fundamental issues of the problem for policy-makers and lay out a series of strategies - effective information/data use, capacity building initiatives, constructive partnerships, and long-term projects - to address this challenge. The most important finding of our report is the threat posed by increasing mortality and morbidity in the civil service across the region. There is a critical need for public administration institutes to train civil servants, if we are to combat HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. Teacher training institutes are also needed. Because, effective governance and proper education form the most essential components for any plan to contain HIV/AIDS.An executive summary of this report is available at :

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation