This National Reproductive Health Policy aims to guide planning, standardisation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of reproductive health (RH) services provided by the Government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), faith based organisations (FBOs), community based organizations (CBOs), private-for profit sectors, and communities in Kenya. The policy elaborates on the relevant provisions of the Kenya Health Policy Framework (KHPF) of 1994, which aimed "to promote and improve the health status of all Kenyans through the deliberate restructuring of the health sector to make all health services more effective, accessible and affordable". The goal of this policy is to improve reproductive health state of all people in Kenya by increasing equitable access and improving quality, efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery at all levels. The National Reproductive Health Policy will provide a framework for the review and revision of the strategy towards addressing these challenges effectively.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation