Norms and standards for the HIV and AIDS services or interventions provided at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are not available. A set of norms and standards essential for costing HIV and AIDS interventions were developed for both a comprehensive and minimum package of services (prevention, treatment, care and support) using current practice in the public and private healthcare sectors as well as those identified in the literature (UNESCO, International Labour Organisation and Association of African Universities). The norms and standards developed for prevention, treatment, care and support as well as for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into the curriculum are aligned to the Policy Framework on HIV and AIDS for Higher Education in South Africa as it provides a framework for the HEI response to the HIV and AIDS pandemic. In addition to providing the basis for the costing of the package of services, these norms and standards may serve as a guide to assist HEIs in strengthening the implementation of the services identified in the minimum or comprehensive package of services.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation