Considering the importance of CSE, the updated school curriculum has introduced it from basic education to high school education. Different universities also included CSE components in their programmes especially in faculty of education. The inclusion of CSE in curriculum is not sufficient to implement in the grass root level. It is equally important to aware the policy makers, supporting agencies and implementers for the effective implementation of the programme. Under the initiation of UNESCO office in Kathmandu in association with UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), and UN Women Joint Programme, KOICA (Korean International Cooperation Agency), Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education has organised an "Workshop on International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE)," in 28th and 29th of March, 2017 in Dhulikhel, Kavre. The overall objective of the workshop is to make policy level personnel aware about the
implementation of CSE in grass root level; however, the specific objectives of the workshop are: To make the participants aware of the importance of CSE; To provide basic concepts of CSE based on ITGSE; To make consensus on the responsibilities of different organisations to implement the CSE programme in different sectors. It was expected that altogether different 30 participants would be oriented on ITGSE key concepts of CSE.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation