Peer education is an informal educational method which can be used as a preventive strategy in order to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS/STI and drug use. Peer education has brought together the most effective models for information transfer, and it uses methods which, can help people to adopt safe behaviour. The greatest advantage of peer education is that the information and activities that relate to HIV/STI and drug use can be adapted to the norms, values and needs of various groups and cultures. Peer education can be used in schools or outside of them.The goal of these peer education guidelines is to provide a look at peer education methods for representatives of those organisations which want to engage in peer education on an everyday basis, helping people to establish, implement and evaluate peer education projects. These guidelines are the first step in providing a precise definition in the Latvian language of the basic principles of peer education, thus making possible the further spread and use of peer education in Latvia. Due to the current situation in Latvia these guidelines reflect peer education projects and programmes that are related to the goal of limiting the spread of HIV, STI and drug use among young people. In addition, the guidelines can be used in planning other kinds of activities to target youth and dealing with youth related subject areas.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation