This report focuses on the gender dimensions of HIV-related stigma. It aims to fill a gap and advance a more nuanced understanding and more effective advocacy on how stigma affects women and girls living with HIV more, less or differently to men and boys. This is an advocacy tool for use by relevant stakeholders - from international donors to global policy makers, national governments, programme managers, civil society and people living with HIV. It builds on current policy debates by providing concrete evidence from three diverse countries (Bangladesh, Dominican Republic and Ethiopia) that have implemented the People Living with HIV Stigma Index. The report starts by outlining the context: explaining the pieces of the HIV, gender and stigma "jigsaw" and providing a framework for analysis. (This framework is based on four, interwoven levels where the gender dimensions of HIV-related stigma are most prevalent: health, work, social settings and rights.) It then uses that framework to present case studies from the three countries - using quantitative and qualitative information to illustrate what the gender dimensions of HIV-related stigma mean in reality. It then draws conclusions about key commonalities, differences and issues across the countries. The report ends with a Call to Action to mobilize all relevant stakeholders to play their full role in responding to the gender dimensions of HIV-related stigma.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation