Although many sub-Saharan African countries that are affected by HIV and AIDS have developed education sector policies in response to the epidemic, there are still challenges in effectively addressing the issue in schools. These challenges include lack of appropriate leadership and coordination at the school level, limited training and skills update on HIV and AIDS among school-based caregivers (teachers, school nurses and matrons), absence of appropriate guidelines in some settings, and lack of coordination between the education, health and other sectors. For example, in Kenya, although national guidelines exist for providing HIV services to various segments of the population, the education sector policy is silent on how the services can be provided to in-school youth. The objective of this study was to test the feasibility of using comic books, role models and edutainment to communicate HIV and AIDS messages to in-school young people with a view to improving their knowledge about the epidemic, enhancing communication about it, and promoting positive attitudes and behavior among them.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation